Seven women started a medical negligence lawsuit that they aimed at Freeport Health Network and a doctor who worked at the facility. In the lawsuit, they claimed that they were misdiagnosed, being told that they had multiple sclerosis when they actually did not have the disease. Now five other women are trying to join in on the suit. They say that the same thing happened to them.
One of the women said that being told that she had the disease was akin to a personal injury in its own right. She said that the feeling of thinking that she had it was horrible because of the terrible nature of the disorder. She, like the other 11 women in the case, is trying to get an amount that is greater than $50,000.
The vice president of the network would not say much about the case, stating that the patients had a right to privacy that they wanted to uphold, meaning that they could not reveal any details at this stage. However, he did mention that while these types of cases are common, it is true that not all of them have merit.
There are arguments for both sides about whether consolidation of the case makes sense. On one hand, one side has argued that the women do not have enough in common, other than the doctor in question, to start one case. On the other, there are claims that having 12 individual cases would be emotionally difficult for the women.
Those in Maryland who are considering similar cases may want to watch how this plays out. It could set a precedent for consolidation of their own cases in the future.
Source: Rockford Register Star, “5 ask to be included in negligence suit against Freeport Health Network” Susan Vela, May. 20, 2014