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Diligent Maryland DWI/DUI Defense

Have you been charged with DWI or DUI? Drunk driving is a serious charge in Maryland with serious consequences. Make sure you have a DWI defense attorney who understands the laws, will protect your rights, and will seek a result that has the least impact on your family and your work. Contact the DWI and DUI defense lawyers at the Cohen, Snyder, Eisenberg & Katzenberg, P.A., law firm in Baltimore, Maryland.

In Maryland, there are two components to a drunk driving offense: the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) hearing and the Traffic Court date. A person charged with drunk driving needs to contact an attorney as soon as possible.

Often the hearing before the Motor Vehicle Administration can be even more devastating for a person than the actual court trial. Consequences include loss of privilege to drive, installation and maintenance of an ignition interlock device and license restrictions. Recent changes to Maryland’s drunk driving laws increased the penalties for individuals convicted of drunk driving.

Drunk driving offenses require competent and diligent representation. Call one of our experience criminal defense attorneys right away.

We understand and protect your rights.
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At Cohen, Snyder, Eisenberg & Katzenberg, P.A., our drunk driving defense lawyers understand the problems associated with drunk driving cases and can fight the DUI charge. We will try to help you keep your license and will make sure to give you the tools to put you in the best possible position for your trial date. We work to defend you against the charges and do everything in our power to protect your rights and to save your privilege to drive.

A drunk driving arrest can have a profound impact on your daily life. Talk to a lawyer who can help you understand all parts of the DWI/DUI process and how it will affect you.

  • Did the arresting officer have a legitimate reason for pulling you over? Was the arrest properly handled? If there were mistakes in the Breathalyzer test or the field sobriety test, your case may be dismissed. Our DUI defense attorneys have extensive experience in successfully challenging evidence.
  • Your license will be automatically suspended 10 days after your arrest unless you request a hearing with the DMV. Our DWI defense lawyers can request the administrative hearing and prepare a request for essential driving privileges (work and medical appointments, for example).
  • Make sure you know your rights and the likely consequences of a DWI conviction. The outcome of the case can mean jail time, higher insurance rates, substantial fines and a criminal record.

You do not have to go into a courtroom or an MVA administrative hearing alone. At the Cohen, Snyder, Eisenberg & Katzenberg, P.A., law firm, the lawyers are on your side. Protect your rights. Call for a free initial consultation at any of our office locations.

Free Initial Consultation | Bethesda Drunk Driving Lawyers

We recently opened a new office in Towson for your convenience.

Contact our firm for a free initial consultation at any of our office locations. You can email us or call us at 1-800-INJURED. We are available 24/7 to answer your questions about your drunk driving case.

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